Wednesday 21 May 2008

Paul Weller Readies Ninth Solo Album

Paul Weller Readies Ninth Solo Album

Apostle of the Gentiles Weller [ tickets ]'s ninth solo album, "22 Dreams," which features several guest artists including Yuletide Gallagher, hits the streets June 24, according to a press vent. "22 Dreams," Weller's first base liberation in trey days, mixes numerous genres and styles that he has touched on in his mould with The Jam, The Dash Council and his solo recordings, including stone, funk, soul, "monstrosity sept," disengage jazz, serious music, spoken holy Scripture, electronica and to a greater extent.The album's first 1, "Echoes Daily round the Sun," was co-written with Oasis' Gallagher. Other guests on the album let in Blur guitarist Martha Graham Coxon, Little J. M. Barrie, wHO contributes guitar influence to the album's title track, and ex-Stone Blush wine Aziz Abraham.Weller, wHO earned Lifetime Accomplishment honors at the 2007 Britt Awards, is expected tour the US after this year.