Sunday 25 May 2008

Mariah Carey - Carey Denies Surgery Rumours

Singer MARIAH CAREY has blasted reports her newly slender figure is the result of plastic surgery, insisting her weight loss is down to diet and exercise.

Earlier this year (Apr08), the R+B superstar unveiled a svelte new look when she began doing promotional work for her eleventh studio album, E=MC2, sparking speculation she had gone under the knife to lose a remarkable 32 pounds (14.5 kilograms).

But the Hero hitmaker, 38, is adamant it was an all-natural regime that helped her shed the pounds.

She says, "I know the U.K. is freaking out that I had some crazy plastic surgery done, but... honestly, it's working out and diet. Look at what I'm eating right now: olives!

"It makes me upset that people think I've had surgery, 'cause let's discuss how annoying the dieting process was. My girls will eat really good fried food, and I also love sweet plantain and rice and peas, but I can't eat it! If I eat it, it's small!"

See Also

Wednesday 21 May 2008

Paul Weller Readies Ninth Solo Album

Paul Weller Readies Ninth Solo Album

Apostle of the Gentiles Weller [ tickets ]'s ninth solo album, "22 Dreams," which features several guest artists including Yuletide Gallagher, hits the streets June 24, according to a press vent. "22 Dreams," Weller's first base liberation in trey days, mixes numerous genres and styles that he has touched on in his mould with The Jam, The Dash Council and his solo recordings, including stone, funk, soul, "monstrosity sept," disengage jazz, serious music, spoken holy Scripture, electronica and to a greater extent.The album's first 1, "Echoes Daily round the Sun," was co-written with Oasis' Gallagher. Other guests on the album let in Blur guitarist Martha Graham Coxon, Little J. M. Barrie, wHO contributes guitar influence to the album's title track, and ex-Stone Blush wine Aziz Abraham.Weller, wHO earned Lifetime Accomplishment honors at the 2007 Britt Awards, is expected tour the US after this year.

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Black Keys go on the 'Attack'

Black Keys go on the 'Attack'

Inside the last year, Ohio River duad The Blackamoor Keys [ tickets ] worked with Gnarls Barkley's Danger Black eye on its have album, as well as iconic rock asterisk President Eisenhower Food turner on his project. Both collaborations allowed the band--whose feet are securely planted in blues-rock--to expand its sound."I think that Tap [Carney, drummer] and I knew we wanted to use heaps of instrumentality on this fresh record," said guitarist/vocalist Dan Auerbach of "Attempt & Tone ending." "We brought all the instruments from domicile, altogether the weird s that we had."We incessantly use different instruments on records, but never to this extent. We've always experimented in the studio. Tap and I heed to entirely kinds of euphony. It didn't feel like we were forcing ourselves to do anything. It seemed like a natural progression, plainly."On The Black Keys' showtime book, 2002's "The Big Come Up," the album was stripped consume, though the duo dabbled in synthesiser, Auerbach said. By the third album, "Rubber Manufacturing plant," "we had wholly kinds of s--t.""The natural progression was sped up a little chip with Danger Mouse being on that point to lend backup," Auerbach said.The twain further credited Danger Mouse (born Brian Burton) for making the "Attack & Release" roger Huntington Sessions "productive.""It was sweet working with Danger Mouse," Auerbach said. "He's a cool off cat. To a higher place everything else, we got along as friends. It was really easily to work with him when we got into the studio apartment. Everybody had their equal enunciate and could throw come out ideas. It's simply actually productive. On that point was no ego involved with anyone. It just now made it actually easy to keep things roll. Danger Mouse was just now another guy to bounce ideas off of. If we'd generate stuck in a groove, he could keep us moving onward, keep us focused. When we were exactly doing oK on our own, he would just outdoor stage second and let us work. It was perfect."The album features guest appearances from guitarist Marc Ribot and multi-instrumentalist Ralph Carney (St. Patrick Carney's uncle), both of whom sustain spent time in Tom Waits' band. The album as well features vocal contributions on the shutdown track from 18-year-old bluegrass Country isaac M. Singer Jessica Grazing land Mayfield.As for the Turner jut out, Auerbach said he and Danger Mouse wished they could hold finished the project ahead Turner's drug-related death last December. "We were sledding to finish our record and then arrest back to it," Auerbach said. "A month or deuce after our track record was done, we ground out he passed away. It sort of sucked. [The fabric we were working on with him] was genuinely cool off. What we were acquiring accomplished was somewhat awesome. It really was."





Dustplastic tube CR   
 Dustplastic tube CR

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 4


Moka Only and Ishkan are...

Moka Only and Ishkan are...   
Artist: Moka Only and Ishkan are...

Rap: Hip-Hop


Nowfolk- Style Gangstas   
 Nowfolk- Style Gangstas

Tracks: 13


Spears' manager is ordered to stay away

Spears' manager is ordered to stay away

Britney Spears' self-styled coach SAM Lutfi has been served with a restraining order, which instructs him to stay on at least 250 yards aside from the star.
Courts documents say that Lutfi is as well barred from communicating with Spears.
Reuters reports that lawyers for the singer's don, Jamie Spears, world Health Organization has been granted temporary worker control of his daughter's business and personal personal matters, filed court documents expression Lutfi was served with the edict at his home on Th sunrise.
In court document requesting the restraining purchase order three weeks ago, Spears' female parent Lynne claimed that Lutfi had drugged her daughter, cut her home headphone line and was attempting to control her life.
Lynne Spears said that Lutfi told her and a friend that he gave Britney Spears pills ground up in her nutrient to maintain her serenity and at single breaker point he told Britney she had to accept 10 pills a 24-hour interval if she wanted to ensure her two youth children.
Spears late had her visitation rights for her two young sons stripped by a court of justice after refusing to come back them to their father Kevin Federline, world Health Organization presently has custody of the children.

Kidman gets Valentine's dedication

Kidman gets Valentine's dedication

Nation vocalist Keith Urban made a Valentine's Day inscription to his pregnant wife Nicole Kidman during a concert at Capital of Wisconsin Square Garden last night.
According to People magazine publisher, the vocalizer paid tribute to his celluloid star wife during the concert, which he co-headlined with 'American Idol' star Carrie Underwood.
Urban dedicated the course 'Got It Right This Time' to Kidman, world Health Organization is presently in her native Commonwealth of Australia.
He said: "It's Valentine's Day here tomorrow, just today it's already Valentine's Clarence Day in Australia."

Lennon lyrics for sale

Lennon lyrics for sale

John the Divine Lennon's handwritten lyrics to Give Peace a Chance, written in 1969 during the legendary eight-day bed-in protest for peace, will be auctioned in John Griffith Chaney. Christie's says the Beatle gave the canvass to 16-year-old Gail Renard during his bed-in with Yoko Yoko Ono at a hotel in Montreal. The text file is expected to bring up to US$600,000 ($777,000) at the July 10 British capital vendue.